Fees and funding

Find out what fees and costs you should budget for and funding you may be able to apply for.

Costs to consider

It's really important to consider all the costs you'll need to consider for your exchange or placement.  You will need to budget for things like:
  • Travel to and from your exchange or placement destination
  • Accommodation and bills (including deposit and other start-up costs)
  • Visas (if required)
  • Insurance for personal travel (e.g. if you're travelling before/after/during your placement)
  • Medical insurance (if required by your host institution - most non-European destinations require this)
  • Vaccinations (if required)
  • Local transport whilst you're in country
  • Books/study materials
  • Personal expenses (food, clothes, etc)
  • Administrative fees at the host institution

Some countries require you to evidence in advance that you have sufficient funds for your time abroad. Evidence of funds can include things like copies of either your own or your parents’/guardians’ bank account; a notification letter of a scholarship/grant, and/or proof of accessible savings/investments. It often excludes things like your parents’ salary - it has to be funds you have readily available.

The amount you need to show may vary across countries and institutions but can be as high as £30,000. Please research the required amount for your chosen destination before applying.

Budgeting for your time abroad

To help you figure out what costs you can expect and structure your income considerations, we have put together some budgeting tools.  These may help you prepare for your time abroad and include resources to support your research – we hope you’ll find it helpful in working out your budget:

Exchange budgeting tool

Exchange budgeting tool (90.73 KB / XLSX)

Placements budgeting tool


Tuition fees and student loans

For information about tuition fees and loans, please view the information below:

The following links may also provide some useful guidance on managing your money, budgeting, and accessing financial support:

 Advice Place

Scholarships and Student Funding

Financial support for UofE students