How to apply

Find out how to apply for an exchange place abroad at one of our international partner institutions.

The following steps outline the University of Edinburgh's process for applying for an exchange place at one of our international partner institutions.  This is the first stage in the process.  Successful applicants must complete a subsequent application to the host institution to confirm their place.

Please note that the application process is very competitive and no student is guaranteed an exchange place.  

University regulations require that, to be permitted to go on exchange, you must have achieved 240 credits before you depart and you must pass all your courses in second year at first attempt

Before submitting an application, you should research prospective host institutions thoroughly. You can do this via the partner institution's website. You should find out about the courses they offer and whether and how they will satisfy your University of Edinburgh degree requirements, as well as learning about things like assessment, accommodation, and semester dates.

View our Where can I go? pages for more information about our partner institutions:

Where can I go?

Read through our 'Things to Consider' guide before making an exchange application. 


Read the Application Guide that relates to your application, in full.  This document will guide you through all the procedures and requirements specific to your preferred exchange programme.

The 2025/26 Applications Guides for University-wide and Subject-specific exchanges will be available here shortly.

The 2025/26 application will be available to complete here from 30 October until 13 November 2024.

The University-wide application route includes a peer-marking element which all applicants must complete in order to for their application to be considered.

Each applicant will be randomly assigned five anonymised personal statements to grade via Learn, and in turn, their own personal statement will be assigned to five other students for grading. Each personal statement will then be given an average score, after careful moderation from the SWAY team.

Further information on the peer marking scheme is available in the University-wide application guide above and will also be covered in our pre-application sessions.

Timeline for exchange application process

October 2024 Exchange pre-application information sessions 
Wednesday 30 October 2024 (12 noon, GMT) Exchange application opens 
Wednesday 13 November 2024 (12 noon, GMT) Exchange application closes
Monday 18 November 2024 (12 noon, GMT) Deadline for submission of personal statement (University-wide applications only)
Wednesday 20 November 2024 (12 noon, GMT) Peer marking process opens (University-wide applications only)
Tuesday 26 November 2024 (12 noon, GMT) Deadline to complete peer marking (University-wide only)
Late December 2024 Confirmation of University of California place to successful applicants
Monday 6 January 2025 (12 noon, GMT) Deadline to accept/decline offer for University of California *
Thursday 9 January 2025 (12 noon, GMT) Places offered to applicants who are successful in the first round of allocations
Thursday 16 January (12 noon, GMT) Deadline for students to accept/decline their offer
Late January - April 2025 Reallocation of any remaining available places
Late January - June 2025 SWAY nominates students to partner institution
January - June 2025 Students apply to host institution and complete pre-departure preparations
June - October 2025 Students depart on exchange

* Note: This earlier deadline is due to UC’s very early application deadline. Students who accept an offer to UC by that deadline do not have until 16 January like other students to consider other places potentially offered through the Subject-specific route.