Academic Transitions

Academic transitions refer to significant changes in a student's life that can also happen alongside other important transitions.

Understanding academic transition

Academic transitions are composed of a variety of adjustments to learning, attitudes, perceptions, and skills, and refer to a substantial shift in a students' life from one level of understanding, growth, and maturity to another.

Transitions transpire throughout the course of a student’s educational experience. Some examples include:

  • The move from school to higher education
  • Leaving home behind to become an autonomous adult
  • Transitioning from being a passive learner to an active and independent learner
  • Adjusting to the specific demands of academic study, including different approaches to teaching and learning, class organisation, student-staff interaction and how evaluation systems are carried out

These transition challenges, especially during the first period of learning in a new academic culture, are a normal part of getting adjusted to a new way of doing things. After taking the time to adapt, feelings of uncertainty decrease, as students become experts in understanding the different demands of their new academic environment.

Resources to help you manage the process of academic transition

Two African students having a conversation

Accent and communication across cultures

Resources and advice to help studying at an English-speaking university as a non-native speaker, or as someone who speaks English with a regional voice or accent.

African students out socialising having dinner

Balancing academic and personal life

Resources and advice on finding the right balance between academic and personal life.


African student enjoying the view of Edinburgh

Managing expectations

Resources and advice to help manage your expectations when studying in a different country.

African student on graduation day

Navigating different academic systems

Resources and advice for navigating different academic systems when studying abroad.