The Future of Europe

To mark Europe Day on 9 May 2024, and across the week, the University celebrated its ongoing commitment to European values, its European partnership links and continued opportunities for increased collaboration and exchange through the University’s membership of the Una Europa Alliance.

Principal speaking at Una.lecture

Una.Lecture: The Future of Europe

The key event on the afternoon of 9 th May was the Una.Lecture. Una.Lectures are developed within the Una.Futura project held across Una Europa member universities to foster a broader involvement of society and non-academic stakeholders. These events are open to a broad audience, promoting the values of Una Europa, human diversity and dignity, academic freedom, and individual well-being in the wider context of society.

Academic colleagues from Una Europa’s ‘Europe & the World’ Self-Steering Committee hosted the Una.Lecture entitled ‘The Future of Europe: what will it be and are we up for it?’. Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Peter Mathieson, opened the event by reiterating the University’s strong and historic relationship to Europe. The Principal expressed his delight on re-association to  with Horizon Europe but highlighted continued disappointment that the UK did not associate to the Erasmus+ Programme.

The keynote speech was provided by Mr Martin Johnson, Head of the EU Directorate, Scottish Government, Brussels - presenting the Scottish Government’s eagerness to remain connected and aligned with the European Union.

Nothing will prevent us from having this European identity and this European commitment.

Professor Sir Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Edinburgh

The Una.Lecture was followed by a panel discussion with academic experts and Una Europa representatives exploring Europe’s evolving landscape and the challenges ahead.

Watch the full Una.Lecture

Learn more about Una Europa and Edinburgh

Europe and the World workshop

To coincide with Europe Day, Professor Federica Pedriali, Head of Italian Studies in LLC and Chair of Una Europa’s ‘Europe and the World’ Self-Steering Committee brought together a group of interdisciplinarity scholars from across the arts, humanities and social sciences for a series of workshops to map research interests and prepare for competitive grant applications. Colleagues were in Edinburgh for the two-day workshop, focusing on competitive grant applications.

Academic colleagues collaborate through Una Europa Self-Steering Committees (SSC) organised around these six interdisciplinary themes:

  • Cultural Heritage
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Europe and the World
  • Future Materials
  • One Health
  • Sustainability

Academic and research staff interested in joining one of the six Una Europa Self-Steering Committees and collaborating with Una Europa partners on joint research projects and innovative joint programmes can contact:

Contact the Una Europa team

The Europe Day celebrations brought together a stellar group of European and British academics and practitioners. Such a rich array of expertise generated productive ideas and established a foundation from which to solidify working relationships and take forward lasting efforts and applications for future research collaborations.

Professor Chad Damro
Regional Dean Europe and Edinburgh member of the Europe and the World Self-Steering Committee

A beginner’s guide to Una Europa staff opportunities

In the morning of 9th May, Professor James Smith hosted an online information session on to highlight how the University’s membership of the Una Europa Alliance is creating unique opportunities for international collaborative research, and student and staff exchange. Current staff opportunities include:

Seed funding call

Staff week in Krakow

Live my life – job shadowing

Languages of the alliance

Over lunch, a Europe Day Language Taster session was hosted for university staff, allowing colleagues to practise some of the languages spoken at Una Europa universities. 

These sessions were kindly delivered by the Centre for Open Learning to celebrate Europe Day.

Learn more about Centre for Open Learning

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Una Europa 

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