Una Europa for professional services staff

Uns Europa offers professional service staff the opportunity to network with other professionals across the alliance, build new skills and enjoy mobility opportunities to partner universities.

Staff smiling during Una Europa general assembly at a presentation


Una Europa Staff Week 2024 | Embracing AI for Professional Development

Date: 21 - 25 Oct, 2024

Location: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Through a carefully developed programme of workshops, lectures, networking events, and cultural activities, participants will embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and personal growth. During Una Europa Staff Week 2024, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn how AI can assist in daily work at universities, what policies apply in our institutions, and what the latest trends in this field are.
  • Through discussions, workshops, and practical exercises, participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with professionals from other Una Europa universities.
  • Numerous networking meetings will provide an opportunity to make new acquaintances and collaborate with colleagues from across Europe.
  • Explore Kraków and discover Polish culture and language

While this activity is free for successful applicants, funding for travel and subsistence should be approved from your College/School/Professional Service area in advance of application.

Applications are now closed. 

Sign up for our Una Europa staff newsletter to get notified about more international opportunities. 

Staff week participants on a staircase in Krakow

A unique job-shadowing programme that enriches your professional journey by immersing you in an Una Europa university for up to a week. Dive into a collaborative experience designed for professional staff who are eager to step into the international arena.

Are you a member of professional services staff in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Human Resources, Research Management, or Digital Pedagogical Engineering? Eager to connect with like-minded peers across Europe?

There is currently no central University funding to support attendance on staff weeks. Funding for this opportunity should be sought from your College/School/Professional Service budget in advance of application.

Applications are now closed. 

Sign up for our Una Europa staff newsletter to get notified about more international opportunities. 

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