A sustainable future is worth learning for From 2023 to 2030, Phase Two of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Edinburgh will nurture a community of skilled, entrepreneurial, and justice-oriented climate leaders from across Africa. Apply for a Mastercard Foundation scholarship Wits-Edinburgh Sustainable Africa Futures Doctoral Programme Digital Education Practitioner Networks in sub-Saharan Africa About our partnership with the Mastercard Foundation The University of Edinburgh and Mastercard Foundation have been working in partnership since 2016. From 2023 to 2030, it will offer 850 postgraduate scholarships for African students. About us and our values Meet the team and learn about the values that shape their work.About us and our valuesImage Social media hub Follow us on InstagramFollow us on LinkedInFollow the Mastercard Foundation Facebook Transitions and Mentoring Toolkit This is a place where you can find information and support whether you are an international student or staff working with international students in a mentoring or other role. Impact stories Explore recent impact stories from our scholar community.A celebration of cultural diversity of online distance learnersWorld Refugee Day: Shalom Ishimwe's storyPhase One of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars ProgramLaunching the Transitions and Mentoring Toolkit Impact Report 2016-2023 video Phase one of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program ran from 2016-2023. During that time we:benefited from receiving 240 scholars our scholars came from 26 African countries they studied in 13 of our schoolsWatch the video to hear our team and scholars talk about their experiences.Read the full Impact Report to find out more about this initiative. This article was published on 2024-06-24