Dr. Anying Irene Winnie is a Lecturer at Gulu University. Dr. Anying Irene Winnie (PHD), holds a doctorate in, Peace and Conflict Studies from Gulu University, an LLM in International law of Human Rights and Criminal Justice, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Law Development Centre Kampala, and a Bachelor of Laws, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.Dr Anying has expertise on International Human Rights Law and Criminal Justice Systems, Transitional Justice, Land justice and Administration, Natural Resource Governance, Legal History and development of Legal systems in Post-Colonial Africa, Legal Pluralism, Access to Justice and Rule of Law in Legally plural contexts.Dr. Anying’s PHD research, Legal Pluralism and Customary Land-Dispute Resolution In Post-War Northern Uganda ‘Testing The Potential Of Plurality In Practice’ focused on access to land justice and rule of law within a legally pluralistic environment in a post conflict context. Dr. Anying ’s research interests include; Legal Pluralism, Rule of Law, Access to Justice in a context of gender and post conflict or fragile states and land tenure governance systems, specifically customary land tenure systems.In addition, Dr. Anying also has over 10 years’ experience managing and coordinating programs geared towards improvement of access to justice, rule of law and human rights. She has extensive expertise in socio-legal research, Access to Justice programming and evaluations in both humanitarian and -humanitarian contexts. She served as Legal Advisor and coordinator of access to justice programs in Uganda since 2006.She has undertaken various consultancies relating to land rights and land governance including; impact evaluation of land rights intervention of the Northern Uganda Human Rights Partnership (NUHRP) commissioned by Amnesty International as a lead consultant, Evaluation on effectiveness of certificate of customary Ownership in Uganda, as a lead consultant. Dr. Anying joined Gulu University in February 2018 as an assistant Lecturer and was elevated to a full time Lecturer in 2022, following the completion of her Doctorate.Visit Dr. Anying's research profile This article was published on 2024-06-24