Our values

The values of the Program are core to our community - whether scholars or alum, as staff members, or any individual connected to our program.

Our values

Our values were co-created with Scholars. We embody them as part of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program community.

Program values Program values in practice


Mastercard Foundation Scholars own their experiences and engage in building, reshaping and growing the Program, the Mastercard Foundation Scholar community and their own learning journey 


The Program Team are fair in provision and opportunities offered to applicants, current Scholars and Alumni and push the University to improve support for global access students and BME students 


Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team are not afraid to try new things, learn and innovate


Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team will respect the beliefs, values and decisions of our Program community


Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team will engage in reflective practice, asking “So What?” - reflection influences learning and practice

Compassion The Program Team work will be whole-person-centred and the policies, processes, and approaches will be rooted in compassion for the experiences of Mastercard Foundation Scholars. Scholars and the Team appreciate that the greatest exercise of compassion is being direct and honest in challenging situations


The Program Team is committed to providing quality education and leadership opportunities to talented young people. Mastercard Foundation Scholars are committed to their learning and leadership journey and contributing back to the community, as well as their commitment to their communities. Most of all, to themselves through healthy choices

Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team will trust one another and assume good faith


Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team will create something with an impact far beyond the Scholars Program, focusing on what remains after the Scholars Program ends 

Committed to enabling different leadership approaches 

The Team acknowledge that Scholars can make an impact through numerous leadership approaches, reflected in leaders and styles featured in the curriculum and in what is celebrated as leadership success

Committed to climate justice 

Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team are committed to tackling climate change and finding ways to be more sustainable on campus and beyond 


Mastercard Foundation Scholars and the Team are committed to standing against racism on campus and beyond 

Equal access 

The Team are committed to providing equal opportunities to women, refugees, and students with disabilities 
Giving back  Mastercard Foundation Scholars are committed to sharing their experiences, talents and expertise with others, at home and while at university
Social consciousness   The family spirit is exhibited among Mastercard Foundation Scholars.