Visa costs

Find out about the standard fee for a Skilled Worker visa depending on your circumstances.

If you’re unsure of the length of your sponsorship, please check your Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) or speak with your local HR team.

Check the most up-to-date visa fees

Visa fees can be subject to change, so please ensure you have checked the UKVI website for up-to-date fees, before applying.

Visa fees on UKVI website

Applications made outside the UK ('Entry Clearance')

    Sponsorship up to 3 years Sponsorship more than 3 years Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)
Main applicant £719 £1420 £1035 per year based on duration of visa

Main applicant –

job on Immigration Salary list

£551 £1084 £1035 per year based on duration of visa
Dependants Same as main applicant   Same as main applicant

£1035 per year based on duration of visa

£776 per year if under age of 18

Applications made inside the UK - switch of extensions ("Further Leave to Remain")

  Sponsorship up to 3 years Sponsorship more than 3 years

Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)

Main applicant

£827 £1636

£1035 per year based on duration of visa

Main applicant – job on Immigration Salary list

£551 £1084

£1035 per year based on duration of visa


Same as main applicant Same as main applicant

£1035 per year based on duration of visa

£776 per year if under the age of 18

University of Edinburgh Reimbursement policy

The University of Edinburgh offers assistance for visa fees.

Immigration Fee Assistance 

These webpages contain details of what can be claimed and there is a form (along with guidance notes) which is downloaded and used to make the claim. 

If you have any further questions about the reimbursement policy, please contact your local HR team.