Maintenance requirements

If you are applying for a Skilled Worker visa then you must score 10 points for maintenance by showing you have personal savings to support yourself and any dependants in the UK.

It is very important that you can show the relevant funds, and submit the correct financial documents.

How much money must I show?

You must show at least £1,270 in personal savings. You must have held this in your bank account for a minimum of 28 days prior to the date of the visa application. 

The balance cannot fall below the £1,270 amount for even one day during that 28 day period. The closing balance of the statement must be within 31 days of the date of application – specifically, this is the date you apply online and pay the visa application fee.

If your funds are not in pounds sterling (£), then the amount that UKVI will consider will be based on the exchange rate for the relevant currency on the date of application, taken from the rates published on OANDA.

OANDA - currency converter

Maintenance must be in the form of cash funds. Other accounts or financial instruments such as shares, bonds, credit cards, pension funds etc, regardless of notice period are not acceptable.

What about my dependants?

The funds required are:

  • £285 for a dependent partner in the UK, or applying for entry clearance; and
  • £315 for the first dependent child in the UK, or applying for entry clearance; and
  •  £200 for any other dependent child in the UK, or applying for entry clearance.

For example, if you are applying to enter the UK under Skilled Worker at the same time as your spouse and two children, then the total maintenance amount required is £2,070 (£1,270 + £285 + £315 + £200).

What evidence do I need to show?

All documents must be in their original format and on the institution’s letterhead/official stationery. If you wish to submit electronic statements they must be stamped on each page by your bank. Mini-statements are not acceptable.

  1. Personal bank or building society statements

The statements must cover a consecutive 28 day period and must have a closing balance dated no earlier than 31 days before the date of application.  They should clearly show:

  • Your name;
  • The account number;
  • The name and logo of the financial institution;
  • Any transactions during the 28 day period;
  • The date of the statement
  1. A letter from your bank or building society

You can provide a letter from your financial institution to show that you have held the required amount. The letter must contain the following details:

  • Your name;
  • The account number;
  • The name and logo of the financial institution
  • The date of the letter (which must be no more than 31 days before the date of the application)
  • The funds held in your account; and
  • Confirmation that the relevant funds have been held in the bank for at least a 28 day consecutive period on and before the date of the letter.
  1. A bank or building society passbook

Your passbook must cover a period of 28 days. The last day must be not more than 31 days before the date of your application. The passbook must clearly show:

  • Your name;
  • The account number
  • The name and logo of the financial institution
  • Any transactions during the 90 day period; and
  • That there have been enough funds in your account throughout the period (The balance must always have been at least the relevant amount, covering the consecutive 90 day period before the date of application).

There also some financial institutions which are not acceptable to UKVI. Please see on the UKVI website:

UKVI - Information on financial institutions

Are there any other ways to show maintenance?

In very limited circumstances, the University of Edinburgh may be able to certify maintenance and accommodation for you and your dependants, during the first month of your employment.  In this case, you will not need to provide your own financial evidence. This certification will be stated on the CoS.

If you have any questions about this then please speak to Human Resources (HR) at the University of Edinburgh College/Support Group that you will be working in.

I am extending my Skilled Worker visa inside the UK, do I still need to show these funds?

If you are applying to extend your visa in order to continue working for the University of Edinburgh, then you will automatically meet the maintenance requirement as long as your previous grant of permission was for 12 or more months.

If your last permission was for less than 12 months, you will need to meet the maintenance requirement when you extend.

It is likely that your dependants will also automatically meet the maintenance requirement as they only need to provide financial documents when the main Skilled Worker applicant provides them. If they have not been dependants on your visa before, or their previous permission was also for less than 12 months, then they will need to meet the maintenance requirement.

Further resources

To further help you with your application, there are several resources available from the UK Government website.

UKVI website:

UKVI website

Skilled Worker Guidance:

Appendix Skilled Worker - Caseworker Guidance

Relevant Immigration Rules:

Appendix Skilled Worker in the Immigration Rules