About us

Established in 2021, the Scholars Network at the University of Edinburgh fosters a vibrant, global community of diverse scholars who have been awarded prestigious and highly competitive scholarships, some of which are funded by the Development Trust. We offer scholars support, resources, and unique opportunities across academic disciplines.

Three Scholars Network students in the forest

By leveraging these services, the Scholars Network creates a stimulating environment that empowers scholars to thrive and innovatively address global challenges.

The Scholars Network celebrates a diverse community of distinguished students who have been awarded prestigious and highly competitive scholarships. Through tailored mentorship, dynamic activities, and dedicated 1-1 sessions with the Network’s Impact Coordinator(s), these scholars are empowered to excel.

This comprehensive support not only elevates academic success and retention rates but also enhances well-being and fosters deeper peer connections, combatting feelings of isolation.

Scholar Network services

The Scholars Network provides the following services for scholars.



  • Regular catch ups and 1-1s with the Impact Coordinator(s)
  • Signposting to relevant and timely academic support (e.g., Institute for Academic Development) and welfare support (Student CounsellingThe Advice PlaceEdinburgh University Students Association)
  • Mentoring – The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program opens its doors to scholars to benefit from a mentoring programme. However, in committing to foster a meaningful experience, there are limited slots available to make sure each participant receives adequate attention. The Scholars Network is working to introduce an independent mentoring initiative in the near future. Scholars are also provided with peer mentoring and support during events and gatherings (e.g. introducing senior-year students to first-year students)
  • Other advice and signposting supports, as requested by scholars, for example, accommodation support (assisting scholars in applying for student or rented accommodation), and access to sports


  • Social activities/lunches regularly throughout the year

  • Trips (e.g., local and further afield!)

The Development Trust

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust was established as a registered charity in 1990. The Trust receives, administers and applies funds and properties donated for the benefit of the University of Edinburgh.

Find out more about The Development Trust:

The Development Trust

Being part of the Scholars Network was a huge boost not only to my studies but my stay in Edinburgh as well. It is through the network that I was connected to a mentor who was very supportive during my academic work. The network also supported me to easily manoeuvre around the University regarding different sources of academic resources, and access to affordable accommodation.

MSc Beit Scholar