
Read Abhay's story

Karta Scholarship student, Abhay
Abhay Maurya

Abhay Maurya is a B.Sc Computer Science and Mathematics students, on the Karta Scholarship Program, from Palghar, India. Abhay shares his experience of being an international student at The University of Edinburgh.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

“I come from a town called Palghar, located in the western part of Maharashtra, India. I have completed my schooling at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Palghar which played a big role in building me as an individual. I am studying B.Sc Computer Science and Mathematics. It excites me the way Maths and Computer Science together can be combined to solve real-life problems. I always loved solving complex problems but didn’t have enough opportunities to merge them with technological advancements. ”

What encouraged you to apply to Edinburgh?

“Edinburgh is one of the top universities in the world and has always fascinated me with the diversity of students and the academic standards. The opportunity here to take optional courses outside of my stream has excited me, making it possible to explore my interest in Astrobiology along with Computer Science and Mathematics.”

Did you feel you had to overcome any difficulties or challenges?

“Throughout the journey of the application process and preparing for the university, The Karta Initiative has continuously supported me in different ways. So, I didn’t face any big challenges. However, settling down in a new place, living independently and managing all the things on my own was initially a big challenge for me. But in due time I started being more organised and productive.”

How do feel being an international student at Edinburgh?

“To be an International student is a novel experience for me. Meeting new people from different places and cultures excites me to know about them and their cultures. Sharing each other’s experiences and knowledge helps us to grow together. I feel Edinburgh is very student-friendly to navigate different places.”

Do you have a message to share with other international students on International Students Day?

“Try to make friends, it may be one of the most concerning things for any International student to have a good friend circle but, it’s not difficult to make one. Adjusting and settling down in a new place might be difficult in starting, but try to engage with more people by joining societies and actively participating in things”

Find out more about the Karta Scholarship

Karta Scholarship