
Read Dinoo's story

Portrait of Commonwealth shared scholar, Dinoo
Dinoo Wickramage, MSc International Development student

Dinoo Wickramage is an MSc International Development student, on the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Program, from Sri Lanka. Dinoo shares her experience of being part of the Scholars Network at The University of Edinburgh.

What has your experience been as an international student at Edinburgh?

"I have had a wonderful experience as an international student at Edinburgh. The University is very multi-cultural so not only is it easy to fit in, I have also thoroughly enjoyed learning from my friends about their different cultures, which is a very important addition to my learning experience here. There are also ample opportunities to learn beyond the course and many societies and events to join if you wish"

How does the Scholars Network support you?

"The Scholars Network has been great as it’s gives us an opportunity to share our experiences with other scholars and have a group we can connect with outside of our classmates and flatmates. Also, our network coordinators have been very welcoming and easy to speak to, and it has really put us at ease, knowing we have people we can go to for advice at any point if we are facing any challenges here in Edinburgh."

What is your favourite thing about studying at Edinburgh?

"The learning has been great and very well structured, and I’m grateful that we have been given an opportunity to provide feedback that will hopefully improve the course content even more in the future!

But I must say my favourite thing has been the fact that Edinburgh is a beautiful city with many places to explore and learn from its rich history. The people are also very warm and friendly and I have not felt out of place here even once since I got here! It has made the whole studying experience here much more wholesome."

What challenges have you had as an international student, and how did you overcome those challenges?

"The welcome week can be overwhelming as there were so many events and I felt compelled to attend most, which was quite stressful in the first week! Also, it took around one month to get used to the systems here since they are more advanced than back at home (simple things like self-checkout at stores, or the transport systems) Overall, the first month can be quite challenging as it takes some time to get used to a routine and finding your way around the city."

What is your proudest achievement (so far) whilst studying at Edinburgh?

The fact that I have prioritised learning and reading as much as I can, together with having a more well-rounded learning experience by spending quality time with people from other cultures, rather than merely focusing on grades and getting stressed out!

What advice would you give to other students from your country who are considering Edinburgh as a place to study?

"Do read up on the course thoroughly prior to applying so you are sure that this particular course will enhance your learning in a way that will support your career, whether in academia or any other field. Do consider Edinburgh for a more well-rounded learning and student life experience, beyond the classroom doors!"

Find out more about the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship:

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship