Progression and credit transfer

Find out what steps you need to take, before returning from an exchange, to ensure successful progression.

On successful completion of your exchange, you will receive credit for the work completed abroad and progress into your next academic year at UoE.

This involves going through a Progression Board, the first of which typically occurs in September each year. During the progression process, your School, College, and SWAY check and assess your returning transcript from your host institution. We check that you have:

  • attempted the correct number of credits/courses at your host institution
  • taken and passed appropriate courses which will satisfy your learning requirements for Edinburgh
  • obtained sufficient credit
  • taken courses aligned with the Learning Agreement we have for you in Mobility Online 

Once your transcript has been considered by the relevant Progression Board/Board of Examiners at the University of Edinburgh, and if you meet the above criteria, then your University of Edinburgh records will be updated to indicate the credit awarded for your exchange period and you will progress to your subsequent year of study.


Please note that updating your record can take some time and does not happen immediately. This is nothing to be concerned about and you should still be able to enrol in your final year courses and matriculate whilst awaiting your record update. Should there be any issues impeding or delaying your progression you will be notified. 

Progression Board processes vary slightly for European Languages students and research students e.g., chemistry research. We still require a copy of your transcript, but this is then assessed by your individual School which awards credit for your time abroad.

Steps you need to take

Please read the following information to ensure smooth progression and transfer of credit on your return to Edinburgh after your exchange: