Dr Krithika Srinivasan

TISS-University of Edinburgh Human-Animal Studies Initiative: a collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

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TISS-University of Edinburgh Human-Animal Studies Initiative

Dr Krithika Srinivasan shares her involvement with the TISS-University of Edinburgh Human-Animal Studies Initiative with the partner institution: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

How did this collaboration begin?

"In collaboration with Prof. Manish Jha, TISS, I have been leading this initiative to introduce and establish teaching and research in human-animal studies in India. I initially secured funding for this in 2017-18 through the HSI/ASI Human-Animal Studies International Development Project.

As part of this initiative, I designed a master’s course ‘Animal Ethics & Social Justice’ which was launched in 2017-18, alongside a programme of public lectures. In 2017-18, I co-taught the course along with an international team of experts, and set up student internships with third sector organisations."

What’s the current status or progress?

"The course is taught annually at TISS with external funding that I secure for the same every year. I oversee and offer guidance on syllabus and related pedagogic materials. If my teaching schedule at UoE at permits, I contribute in-person or virtual lectures."

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What are the key benefits from this joint engagement?

"To the best of our knowledge, this initiative pioneered human-animal studies as a field of scholarship in India, being the first such programme to be delivered in the country."

What are the persisting challenges that you faced in this collaboration?

"Funding is an ongoing challenge, as are teaching personnel. Being a relatively new area of scholarship in India, there are also challenges relating to establishing its legitimacy and relevance."

What support from the University of Edinburgh would enhance this partnership?

"It would be helpful to strengthen this partnership at an institutional level to enhance legitimacy, visibility, and access to resources and ideas."

Discover more

View Dr Krithika Srinivasan's academic profile

Visit the Tata Institute of Social Science's website (TISS)

Visit the Animals & Society Institute's website