Delhi Air Pollution: Health and Effects

The Delhi Air Pollution: Health and Effects (DAPHNE) project is a collaborative research initiative that is creating innovative solutions for people with asthma.

Motorbike driving through pollution


The primary aim of DAPHNE is to understand the early life effects of air pollution in Delhi by estimating exposure-response relationships between ambient air pollution exposures and health effects (birth weight, acute respiratory infections in children under two years) and asthma exacerbations in adolescents aged 12-18 years. 

Collaborating to find innovative solutions

Doctors, scientists, and technologists from nine institutions in the UK and India collaborate on the DAPHNEDAPHNE project; the University of Edinburgh is the Lead Research Organisation.

This group of dedicated innovators is exploring how the combination of novel data collection methods and machine learning can affect solutions to enhance respiratory health and minimise exposure to air pollution.

The DAPHNE project has not just implemented innovative research methods that seek to make our world a better place; it exemplifies an innovative, purposeful approach to addressing environmental concerns. The project is an encouraging example of what can be achieved when science, technology, and community engagement come together to solve problems.

Related links

Read about the benefits of pollution sensors in helping asthmatics' health

Find out more about the DAPHNE project, the aims and objects

Organisations in DAPHNE

School of Informatics - The University of Edinburgh (Lead Research Organisation)

Imperial College London (Partner)

Institute for Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh (Partner)

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (India Lead)

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Partner)

University of Delhi Guru Tej Bahadur Hospital (Partner)

The INCLEN Trust International (Partner)

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (Partner)

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (Partner)