Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Our partnership with IIT Kharagpur works on critical challenges related to rural communities.

Delegation who went on the IIT Kharagpur faculty visit

IIT Kharagpur is a strategic partner for College of Science and Engineering at University of Edinburgh, building on the long-standing relations and expanding collaborations.

Research collaboration

One of our impactful research collaborations with IIT Kharagpur explored tidal energy for sustainable electricity supply in the Sundarbans, West Bengal. The project group was the first to produce a map of potential energy sites in Sundarbans.

Over years, both the institutions have developed an online/hybrid summer school, aided by UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) mobility grant and British Council Going Global Partnership Grant. 

Over recent years we have worked very closely with IIT Kharagpur on critical challenges related to the water-energy-food-health nexus. This has included joint research, staff and student mobility, summer schools and seminars. We look forward to ever deeper cooperation, leading to increased societal and educational impacts.

Prof. Neil RobertsonDean International Partnerships, College of Science and Engineering