Conclusion of Phase One

A conclusion to the report, acknowledgements and resources.

MCF Impact Report

Over the past seven years the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program has been well-positioned to shine a light on what it takes to create a truly welcoming, nurturing environment.

The Program and its Scholars have helped inform the University's recruitment and admission processes, as well as on-campus support to help ensure that Mastercard Foundation Scholars and other international students facing barriers to education not only gain admission but also have every chance to succeed once here.

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program’s emphasis on inclusion, advocacy, and reflection has helped enrich the campus for all.

Phase two

As the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University looks ahead to the second phase of the Program (2023-2030), the learning from Phase One will go towards breaking down the barriers to education enabling talented young people from the African continent to be agents of change in their communities and influencing wider systemic challenges in relation to climate change and sustainability.

The Program team will continue to focus on creating an enabling environment at the University that enable Mastercard Foundation, and other global access students, the opportunity to access, succeed and be part of the transformative work to addressing structural injustices.

Responding to the climate crisis

In response to the climate crisis, the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University will invest in a community of skilled, entrepreneurial, and compassionate future leaders from across Africa.

Through the Program, we will offer talented young people an exciting array of high-quality, sustainability-focused postgraduate learning opportunities, equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and networks to promote sustainable transitions.

The Program will help deliver systems change through a range of interdisciplinary, sustainability-related masters degrees and diplomas, and Transformative Leadership learning opportunities through summer schools, placements and internships, and onward transition support.

As well as funding and leadership curriculum support, Mastercard Foundation Scholars will also receive other wraparound support such as pastoral support in their transition out of studies.

Supporting the next generation

We want to support the next generation of African leaders and entrepreneurs who will pave the way towards a just transition for the African continent, working in particular with young women, young people with disabilities, and young people with refugee and displaced status.

Working together the Program will strive to create the conditions that will enable young people to attain inclusive and relevant education, transition smoothly into dignified and fulfilling work, and lead transformative lives.


Our thanks go to our current Mastercard foundation Scholars and Alumni through whom we have learnt so much, been challenged and co-created an inclusive and diverse community, a transformative leadership curriculum and contributed to institutional change across the University.

Thank you to each one of you for showing up, speaking up, working hard, asking for help, and supporting each other. 

Thank you to Mastercard Foundation, for partnering with us in this transformative work.


For further detail on the learnings outlined above please explore further the following reports and resources:

  • A Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program University of Edinburgh Mid-term Review 2019 (MTR) was conducted to assess program progress and facilitate an ongoing process of internal reflection and learning.

Mid-term Review 

  • The purpose of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program 2023 Final Evaluation is to inform the direction of the proposed Phase 2 of the program for the Program Team with a particular focus on the scholarship program for online learning scholars. The final evaluation principally concerns the time period following the completion of the MTR, starting at the beginning of the academic year 2020/21 until October 2022.

Final Evaluation

  • Key findings, conclusions and recommendations for the final evaluation of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program.

Evaluation Summary

  • The Foundations for All (FFA) toolkit is an accessible and clear guide to designing and implementing a blended bridging programme for refugees and disadvantaged host community students in low-resource contexts.

Visit the Foundations for All toolkit

  • The Transitions and Mentoring Toolkit is a place where you can find information and support whether you are an international student or staff working with international students in a mentoring or other role.

Visit the Transitions and Mentoring Toolkit

  • Identities in Transition Photo Voice booklet: This photo voice book captures the experiences of twelve African students who made the journey from their respective home countries in Africa to universities in the UK and North America.

View the Identities in Transition Photo Voice booklet

  • Case studies of institutional change

Read about the Program: A Decade of Transformative Impact and Learning
