The Education Beyond Borders Student Mentoring Scheme will pair postgraduate-taught students from displaced backgrounds with a member of University staff who volunteers to mentor them during their studies. Mentors will support our students’ transition into the University and life in Edinburgh by supporting their engagement with academic and non-academic life. Our vision for this programme is to see students thrive in their studies and develop a sense of belonging and community at the University. As the postgraduate courses are only one year long, we would also like to see students thinking about life after university with the support of their mentors. About Education Beyond Borders Education Beyond Borders is a new programme that supports at-risk academics and delivers a Displaced Student Scholarship Programme for displaced students who wish to pursue a postgraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that there are over 100 million forcibly displaced people worldwide. Only 7% of refugees have access to higher education compared to more than 40% of non-refugees. Addressing this gap is a priority of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact on Refugees, aiming for 15% access to higher education by 2030. As an extension of Edinburgh’s University of Sanctuary status, Education Beyond Borders aims to address the education gap experienced by those who have been displaced. This programme aims to develop best practice in supporting displaced students in the higher education sector. The Education Beyond Borders Staff Mentoring Programme is a key part of delivering this best practice through wrap-around support for students. What a staff mentor will do The Education Beyond Borders Mentoring Scheme aims to deliver wrap-around support to students from displaced backgrounds, including refugees, asylum seekers, those in the UK under humanitarian protection and those here through a resettlement scheme. Students will be paired with a University staff member to act as their mentor, matching staff and students who we believe to be a good fit. This is a pilot project for Education Beyond Borders. We are keen to work with mentors and students to monitor and improve the programme over the year. Mentors will be there to support, empower and stand in solidarity with displaced students. They will be an ally for individual students, promote enhanced support for displaced students across the University and stand with the vision of Education Beyond Borders. Staff mentors will be there to celebrate student successes, discuss future plans, encourage exploration of personal interests and support through challenging times. As a staff mentor, you will: Check in with the student regularly to make sure they are ok Support them in addressing any challenges they are experiencing, sometimes by linking them to specific services at the University Celebrate successes and highlight the positives in the student’s journey Actively listen to the student to understand their life circumstances and who they are as a person Take a person-centred and wellbeing-focused approach to supporting them, remembering that every student has individual needs and backgrounds Be an ally for the student at the University Training, resources and support will be provided to mentors. Sign up now If this sounds like something you would be interested in, sign up below to find out more information about the Education Beyond Borders Student Mentoring Scheme: Sign up for the Student Mentoring Scheme We share news, events, volunteer programmes, and other opportunities to support and celebrate our Education Beyond Borders community: Sign up for the Education Beyond Borders newsletter This article was published on 2024-08-13