Refugee Week

The University supports Refugee Week, an annual festival around World Refugee Day on 20 June, celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

Explore remarkable narratives from our faculty, students, and graduates, and discover our events and resources showcasing our engagement in Refugee Week throughout past years.

Refugee Week 2024

Our home banner image


Refugee Week 2024 will be on 17-23 June 2024. The theme for Refugee Week 2024 is “Our Home”.

Get involved with community events

Refugee Week 2024 events

Read our community stories

Resilience in academia during wartime

Welcoming refugees through community access to classrooms

Afraa's inspiring work with Syrian teenagers through STTEPS (Syrian Teenage Tutoring and Education Programme)

From Syria to Scotland: Ahmad’s journey as a New Scot 

Nadin Akta: Building Community in Edinburgh 

Students making a difference for refugees and asylum seekers through STAR Edinburgh

Simple Acts

Simple Acts graphics

Refugee Week's Simple Acts are everyday actions we can all do to stand with refugees and make new connections in our communities.

  • Watch a film
  • Listen and share
  • Read a book
  • Send a message
  • Have a chat
  • Share a dish
  • Walk together
  • Grow your compassion
  • Use your platform
  • Join the movement

Simple Acts - Refugee Week website