Eight things to consider before you arrive in Edinburgh. 1Familiarise yourself with MyEd and ensure you have accepted your offer to study at the University of Edinburgh using the EUCLID Applicant HubMyEd and the EUCLID Applicant Hub2Apply for accommodation or arrange your own accommodationAccommodation3Check whether you need a visa to study hereImmigration - applying for a visa4Find out about the medical treatment available and check if you need private health insurance and personal insuranceRegister with a GP/doctorHealthcare & Insurance5Four weeks before your programme start date you will be invited to complete the Online Registration processStudent systems - online registration 6Keep an eye on the New Students website. There you will find the information and resources you need to help you get ready and be fully prepared for your time in EdinburghNew Students website7Explore how and when you should travel to EdinburghGetting to Edinburgh8Preparing your documents (European exchange students only)The University’s Visiting Student Offices will sign and verify any documentation required to ensure you receive Erasmus funding from your home university.This includes Erasmus Learning Agreements and Certificates of Attendance/Enrolment/Departure.Documents which you need to be signed/verified before your arrival in Edinburgh can be sent to the relevant team by email.Applicants to the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences: cahssvisitingstudents@ed.ac.ukPostal address: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences57 George SquareEdinburghEH8 9JUTel: +44 (0)131 651 1700Named Contact – choose one from Cara Richard, Sam Ardron, Stuart Lussi or Kirsty Robertson.Applicants to the College of Science and Engineering: scevisitingstudents@ed.ac.ukBefore submitting your Erasmus documents please make sure you have accepted an offer to study on European exchange at Edinburgh. This article was published on 2024-06-24