What you need to know as your studies in Edinburgh come to an end. Marks and gradesWhen you receive your marks for assessments, remember that the grading scale at Edinburgh may vary considerably from what you are used to at home.The table below explains the marking scheme at Edinburgh. The pass mark is 40% and it is relatively unusual for students to regularly achieve marks of 70% or above (in fact, only 10% of students receive marks this high).The University of Edinburgh Marking SchemeMark (%)GradeDescription70-100AAn excellent performance (pass)60-69BA very good performance (pass)50-59CA good performance (pass)40-49DA satisfactory performance (pass)30-39EA marginal fail (fail)20-29FA clear fail (fail)10-19GA bad fail (fail)0-9HA bad fail (fail)Suggested European (ECTS) EquivalenciesUniversity of Edinburgh mark (%)ECTS70-100A65-69B60-64C55-59D50-54D40-49E35-39FX0-34FSuggested USA EquivalenciesUniversity of Edinburgh mark (%)USA70-100A65-69A-60-64B+55-59B50-54B-40-49C0-39F*It is at the discretion of your home institution how they interpret and transfer credit awarded by the University of Edinburgh. Every transcript includes a key to the UoE grading system and the recommended USA and ECTS equivalencies on the reverse.* Academic transcriptWhen you complete your time at Edinburgh, your transcript will be sent to the address you provided in your initial application. Please make sure the address you indicate on your application is correct (most of the time, it should be your home institution's address).The transcript will list your courses and the results that you have achieved.When will we send your transcript?We send out transcripts at the following times of year:February - for semester one studentsJuly/August - for full-year and semester two students This article was published on 2024-06-24