Una Europa for students

Learn leadership skills, apply for summer schools abroad and connect with fellow students across the alliance with Una Europa student opportunities.

Two students smiling at Student Congress


In 2025 Una Europa will be hosting summer schools for doctoral researchers at our partner universities, as well as researchers from selected associated partners. Rooted in our alliance Focus Areas and co-organised by academics from across all 11 Una Europa universities, these joint intensive courses provide you with an interdisciplinary perspective on your research area, strengthen your core research skills, and build your professional network across Europe.

Are you a doctoral researcher at an Una Europa university and interested in participating in a summer school? Browse our 2025 offering below.

  • Summer School on Sustainable Food Systems, 2–6 June at Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet
  • One Health Summer School, 16–20 June at Freie Universität Berlin
  • Future Materials and Technologies Summer School, 23–27 June at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Summer School, 7–11 July at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Funding for Edinburgh students is provided to support travel and subsistence.

A unique opportunity to join the Una Europe community and gain some work experience in the Alliance’s central office, based in Brussels.

Current job opportunities:

  • Communications Internship
  • Governance Internships

These positions are only available to applicants with the right to work in Belgium. 

This enthusiastic group of visionaries shape the role that the University of Edinburgh’s student body can play as half a million students come together to build a University of the Future. With the support of the University and the Brussels-based Una Europa team, responsibilities will include developing student-led events and workshops as well as shaping the broader work of the Alliance.​​​

Take on a leadership role or simple be part of the Una Europa student community.

This spring the Incubator will be running as a research simulator. We invite you to put your research skills and knowledge from your studies into practice in international, interdisciplinary, student-led teams.

Each team will work on a research proposal of 3–5 pages and will present in a final showcase. The Incubator is designed to support you learning all the skills and tools to be able to complete this task.

This six week programme gives you the opportunity to:

  • Work together in international and interdisciplinary teams in a virtual setting.
  • Put your skills into practice by developing proposals to research real life issues.
  • Learn how to frame research questions to identify new insights to pressing challenges.
  • Work with students, staff and researchers from across our alliance.

Open to all University of Edinburgh students. 

Key dates

  • 20 February - Online group formation process starts, and application information will be shared. You can attend one or all the group formation and networking sessions.
  • 20 February, 14–16CET - Online session: group formation and networking
  • 25 February, 15–17CET - Online session: group formation and networking
  • 3 March, 15–17CET - Online session: group formation and networking
  • 9 March - Applications close
  • 17 March - All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their submission

The Una Europa Student Board comprises of two student representatives from each member university, acting as a unified voice for all students across our alliance. Amplifying student voices by meeting with key stakeholders across the alliance, from the Board of Directors and Project Steering Committee to bilaterals with staff. Members hold monthly meetings online and in person each year, during which they discuss pressing topics concerning student representation and steer the alliance to ensure that it is providing clear benefits for its collective student community.

Benefits and skill development 

  • Leadership - be the voice of Edinburgh students, presenting and working alongside University leaders
  • Collaborate - work closely with students and staff in the alliance, learning different perspectives and cultures
  • Professional experience - gain real-world experience in project development
  • Networking opportunities - travel to Una Europa universities at least once per year to participate in strategic meetings and events


  • Post dates: March 2025 - April 2026
  • Time commitment: 2-4 hours per week

The theme of this year’s Student Award is reimagining the University of the Future. How can we disassemble what universities have been and current are and reimagine them for the future? Universities are complicated institutions which have played important roles in the past. How do you envision the university as a driver and place for better futures? What would you keep, what would you add?

Applications are now closed. 

Sign up for our Una Europa student newsletter to find out more international opportunities!

The next Una Europa Student Congress will take place at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in autumn 2025.

Sign up for our Una Europa student newsletter to get notified when applications open.

Consisting of five MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which, once completed, award the learner with 10ECTS. After studying the introductory course, there are four additional courses covering the environmental, economic, and social aspects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Student Mobility funding

If you are an Edinburgh student and have been selected for an Una Europa activity, you may be eligible to receive funding to participate.

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