Jameel Observatory

The Jameel Observatory is an initiative to support the use of data and earth observation approaches to catalyse early action to avoid food crises among pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in East Africa.

Jameel Observatory

The Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action helps tackle the growing threat to people in the world’s drylands posed by the increasing severity and frequency of climate-related disasters by connecting cutting-edge technology and data surveillance on early warning signs of severe weather and systemic climate change with community-driven applications and interventions.

The project, launched in September 2021, brings together the expertise of five partners:

  • The University of Edinburgh Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems
  • Save the Children UK
  • The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
  • The International Livestock Research Institute
  • Community Jameel

By combining the knowledge of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities and other local organisations with innovations in data science and humanitarian action, they expect that communities they work with in East Africa will become more resilient and better able to prepare for and overcome the effects of environmental shocks. 

Related links

Partnership using data to tackle hunger launched

The Jameel Observatory's first year

Jameel Observatory 

Community Jameel

Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security

The International Livestock Research Institute