The Coimbra Group

Founded in 1985 and formally constituted by Charter in 1987, it is a large association of European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard.

The Group is committed to creating academic and cultural ties in order to promote, for the benefit of its members, internationalisation, and academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society.

It is also the purpose of the Group to influence European educational policy and to develop best practice through mutual exchange of experience.

Coimbra online collection

A new interactive online historic collection is showcasing selected historical collection items from the members of the Group. This was a piece of work commissioned by the Coimbra Heritage Group and awarded to Edinburgh. The University of Edinburgh develops, hosts and operates this service on behalf of the group, showcasing our talent as a leader in digital collections technology, capability and practice.

View the collection

Find out more

Visit the Coimbra website