Key activity in the North America region
Our focus is on research excellence, teaching innovation and global access. We aim to build sustainable, equitable and transformative partnerships.
Engagement with North America
"The University of Edinburgh has long-standing historic links to North America. As early as 1776, approximately 10% of the students at the University came from the region. In research terms, North America remains the most important international region for Edinburgh academics and we have been developing our collaborative activity with strategic partners accordingly. We aim to build sustainable, equitable and transformative partnerships with key strategic partners. We look forward to our continuing relationships with North American universities, industry, government, prospective students, grant-making agencies, trusts and philanthropists."
Professor Frank Cogliano, International Dean, North America
At a glance
- £200k regional seed funding
- £30m regional research income
- 3,800 of our staff and students from North America
- Co-authored research with 875 institutions in the US
- Over 25,000 contactable alumni
- Active alumni groups in most major cities
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North America SharePoint
The North America SharePoint site brings together strategic insight, resources and shared information to support staff engaging with partners across the region.
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