Una.Universitas confirmed by European Commission

Yesterday's announcement that the Una Europa alliance has secured funding for its Una.Universitas project presents new and unique opportunities for Edinburgh students and staff further to develop joint activity with Una Europa member universities.

students talking on stairs

Creating a European University of the Future

Una.Universitas will build on the work of the pilot project, 1Europe, which launched in 2019 with the long-term goal of creating a shared European university of the future. Moving forward we will continue the work by creating the virtual ‘multi campus’ European university of the future by ensuring a focus on:

  • Increased joint programmes, courses and training for PhD students
  • Large-scale mobility pathways for students to universities across the alliance and an increased integration of virtual and blended mobility opportunities
  • New mentoring and internships opportunities for students with non-academic partners based across its European city network
  • New high-quality interdisciplinary, transnational and research-based joint programmes across its six discipline areas: Cultural Heritage, Sustainability, One Health, Europe and the World, Data Science & AI and Future Materials.

Although the University of Edinburgh is ineligible for the Erasmus+ funding awarded, the University remains a full Una Europa member and a critical component of Una’s European staff and 500,000 student community

Significant impact for University staff and students

Since membership of Una Europa was confirmed in 2019, the University has benefitted from the following:

  • Erasmus+ funding to support the University’s engagement in the 1Europe Project
  • Horizon 2020 top-up funding and a leading role as Co-ordinator of the Una.Resin Project
  • Una Europa Seed-funding for academic and research staff to support joint activity amongst members
  • Short-term challenge-based virtual mobility experiences for students to engage in cross-European teams and work on real-life challenges (Una.Ten and Una.Futura)
  • Fully-funded post-docs via Una4Career
  • PhD Student Workshops
  • Multilingual and intercultural student engagement opportunities through physical and virtual attendance at Una Europa Student Congresses
  • Funded opportunities for Professional Services staff development through Una Europa’s staff training programme ‘Live my Life
  • Opportunities for Edinburgh staff to input into plans to shape and create the European University of the Future via Future Uni Lab
  • A seat and a voice at the European policy table to keep abreast and continue to influence relevant European research and education policy

The University is currently hosting Una Europa’s One Health Summer School. The Summer School runs from 25 July – 5 August. A total of 53 students are participating in the Summer School including four students in-person, and one student and one mentor online, from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv which is twinned with the University of Edinburgh.

Project launch

The Una.Universitas Project will launch on 1 December 2022.

Find out more

For more information about Una Europa and Una.Universitas and what this project could offer you as a member of the Una Europa alliance community: